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Date Year Title
2024-05-09Second Round of the “Knowing More About IT” (Know-IT) Programme – Online Briefing Session
An online briefing session on the second round of Know-IT Programme (2024/25 to 2025/26 School Year) will be held on 24 May 2024 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol.
2024-02-23IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools (IT-Lab) and Knowing More About IT (Know-IT) Programmes Sharing and Solutions Day
Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), the Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE) and Ying Wa College will jointly organise an IT-Lab + Know-IT Sharing and Solutions Day on 23 March 2024 to provide the latest update on the two programmes for primary and secondary schools. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form.
2023-08-18Know-IT & IT-Lab Solution Day
OGCIO and Cyberport will jointly organise a Know-IT & IT-Lab Solution Day for secondary and primary schools on 16 September 2023 from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm to share the innovative information technology related courses of around 20 local companies, and showcase how such courses can benefit your students in enhancing their computation thinking and innovation skills. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form (https://www.it-lab.gov.hk/enrol_202309_en.htm).
2023-08-08消費者委員會全新中學生消費者教育計劃 —「智醒消費學堂」(Chinese only)
資科辦分享「消費者委員會教育部」發送宣傳 中學生消費者教育計劃 —「智醒消費學堂」。 消費者委員會及教育局合辦之「智醒消費學堂」,將於2023/24學年推出。 計劃旨在培養中學生正面的消費價值觀和態度,並以消費者教育的相關知識裝備他們,培育他們成為智醒消費新一代! 現邀請 貴校大力支持,招募學生參加「智醒消費學堂」。 活動詳情: https://www.consumer.org.hk/sca
2023-06-26Know-IT & IT-Lab Solution Day
OGCIO and HKSTP will jointly organise a “IT Innovation Lab in Schools” Solution Day for secondary and primary schools on 25 July 2023 from 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm to share the innovative information technology related courses of around 20 industry partners, and showcase how such courses can help benefit your students in upgrading their computation thinking and innovation skills. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form (https://www.it-lab.gov.hk/enrol_202307_en.htm).
2023-05-29IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools – Online Briefing Session
An online briefing session on the updates of the new round of "IT Innovation Lab for Secondary Schools" Scheme (2023/24 to 2025/26 School Year) will be held on 23 June 2023 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form (http://www.it-lab.gov.hk/briefing_202306_en.htm).
2023-04-03Know-IT & IT-Lab Webinar – Special Schools
OGCIO will collaborate with Cyberport to organise a Webinar for special schools on 27 April 2023 from 4:00 pm to 5:45 pm. Four special schools that have applied for“Knowing More About IT” in Primary Schools and “IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools” Programmes are invited to share their experience in organising IT-related activities to students and two Cyberport’s local companies to introduce IT-related extra-curricular activities for SEN students. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form (https://www.it-lab.gov.hk/enrol-202304.php)
2023-03-27Professor Sun Dong and Five Organisation Leaders Appeal to Schools to Submit their Applications for the IT-Lab and Know-IT Programmes –Innovate Together (Chinese only)
2023-03-13“Knowing More About IT” Programme Sharing by Participating Schools – Play Together (2) (Chinese only)
2023-02-27"IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools" Programme Sharing by Participating Schools – Create Together (2) (Chinese only)
2023-01-14Know-IT Webinar
The Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association organised a Know-IT Webinar on 14 January 2023 to provide the latest update on the Know-IT Programme and experience sharing by the successful applicant schools. Principals and teachers are welcome to review the video recording of the Webinar through the link below:
Video Recording
2022-12-12Know-IT & IT-Lab Solution Day
OGCIO will collaborate with Cyberport to organise a Know-IT & IT-Lab Solution Day on 16 February 2023 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm to provide latest update on the Know-IT and IT-Lab Programme. Through co-organisers, they would exhibit and demonstrate to primary and secondary schools principals and teachers some interesting IT extra-curriculum activities that can help students better understand IT. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form (https://www.it-lab.gov.hk/enrol-202302.php)
2022-12-01Hong Kong Fostering ICT Awards Scheme (FICTAS) Free Online Workshop (Full Live Version)
2022-11-29Learning & Teaching Expo 2022 – “TechEd Forum” Powered by 'Knowing More About IT' in Primary Schools & 'IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools' Programmes will be held on 7 December 2022 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, hall 3CDE, Future Learning Theatre. The speakers will share with you diversified technology solutions and different STEAM education solutions that are in line with the trend of education and social development. Besides, some primary and secondary teachers will share their successful experience in organizing IT-related extracurricular activities under the “Know-IT” and “IT-Lab” Programmes. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by the Online Application Link.
2022-10-10The “Innovation and Technology Festival for Primary School Students” – IT Taster Workshops for Primary School Students (Chinese only)
2022-09-28International ICT Expo will be held on 16 October 2022 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The event will include student tours led by teachers to the Smarter Hong Kong Pavilion (including Hong Kong Innovation and Smart Government Pavilions). The Hong Kong ICT Awards: Student Innovation Awards winners will showcase their solutions in the pavilion. Interested schools are welcome to enrol by sending email to us with email subject “International ICT Expo”.
2022-09-24IT-Lab Solution Day on 24 September 2022 (Chinese only)
2022-09-10Innovation and Technology Festival for Primary School Students (OGCIO-sponsored project)
Promotional video
2022-08-25IT-Lab Solution Day
OGCIO will collaborate with Hong Kong Association for Computer Education (HKACE) to organise an IT-Lab Solution Day on 24 September 2022 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm to provide the latest update on the IT-Lab Programme and to exhibit and demonstrate to secondary schools’ principals and teachers some interesting IT extra-curricular activities (including IT related competitions) that can help students better understand IT. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form.
2022-08-25Know-IT Solution Day
OGCIO will collaborate with Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP) to organise a Know-IT Solution Day on 13 October 2022 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm to provide latest update on the Know-IT Programme. Through co-organisers, they would exhibit and demonstrate to primary schools principals and teachers some interesting IT extra-curriculum activities that can help students better understand IT. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form (https://www.it-lab.gov.hk/en/enrol-202210.php)
2022-08-01The Vetting Committee on IT Innovation Lab in Schools visited the Church of Christ in China Ming Kei College and Chinese YMCA Primary School (Chinese only)
2022-07-15"Cyber Security Expo 2022" is organised by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force and will be held on 17 and 18 September 2022 at the Hong Kong Science Park with over 30 supporting organisations and cyber security companies. The Expo will provide participants with a series of exciting activities on the theme of technology application and cyber security.
2022-06-23IT-Lab and Know-IT Sharing and Solutions Show on 18 June 2022 (Chinese only)
2022-06-07IT-Lab and Know-IT Sharing and Solutions Show
OGCIO will collaborate with the Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE) and Ying Wa College to organise the IT-Lab and Know-IT Sharing and Solutions Show on 18 June 2022 from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm to provide latest update on the IT-Lab and Know-IT programmes to secondary and primary schools principals and teachers. Co-organisers will invite partners to introduce some IT related extra-curriculum activities solutions. Besides, front-line teachers will share some application tips. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form.
2022-06-01OGCIO shared the latest update of the IT Innovation Lab in Schools programmes at the “EdTech Showcase” organised by Esperanza on 1 June 2022.
Presentation file
2022-05-31Know-IT Solution Days
OGCIO will collaborate with Hong Kong Association for Computer Education (HKACE), Cyberport and Hong Kong Productivity Council’s (HKPC) Inno Space to organise three Know-IT Solution Days on 16 June, 6 and 15 July 2022 respectively to provide latest update on the Know-IT Programme. Through co-organisers, they would exhibit and demonstrate to primary schools principals and teachers some interesting IT extra-curriculum activities that can help students better understand IT. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form (https://www.it-lab.gov.hk/en/enrol-0530.php)
2022-05-06Briefing Session on CoolThink@JC Network School Application (Cohort 6)
2022-04-22Collaborative Efforts to Promote Innovative IT Learning in Primary Schools (Chinese only)
2022-01-20A brand new Student Tech Zone is launched today which acquaint local secondary and primary school students with suitable IT-related programmes/activities offered mainly by local tertiary institutions.
2021-12-17IT Lab Sharing Sessions (Chinese only)
2021-11-29Mr. Tony Wong, JP, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer, delivered opening remarks at the “Kick-off Ceremony of the STEAM Week for Educators” on 29 November 2021 (Chinese only)
Opening Remarks
2021-11-20OGCIO shared at “AI Education Seminar Series” organised by Education Innovation Research Institute in the Greater Bay Area and Cities Connected on 20 November 2021.
2021-11-19Student of Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School was selected as one of 100 Rise Global Winners (Chinese only)
2021-11-16IT Innovation Lab in Schools X Smart Government Innovation Lab – IT-Lab Solution Sharing Sessions
Two solution sharing sessions on the introduction of new technologies and solutions from local startups and Greater Bay Area (GBA) to secondary schools will be held on 14 and 17 December 2021 from 3:00 to 6:00 pm. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form .
2021-10-15“Knowing More About IT” Programme in Primary Schools – Online Sharing Session
An online sharing session on the updates of the “Knowing More About IT” Programme with experience sharing on organising ICT-related activities to primary school students will be held on 25 November 2021 from 3:00 to 5:30 pm.
2021-10-07IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools – Online Sharing Session
An online sharing session on the updates of the 2021/22 school year application for IT Innovation Lab Programme with application tips, success story sharing from secondary school and sharing of relevant IT activities for secondary students will be held on 29 October 2021 from 3:00 to 5:20 pm. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form.
2021-10-05OGCIO shared views with Sai Kung District School Heads Association on IT Innovation Lab Programme (Chinese only)
2021-10-04Secondary school students can become innovation and technology talents (Chinese only)
2021-10-04Hong Kong Fostering ICT Awards Scheme (FICTAS) (OGCIO-sponsored project)
The 10th online workshop on “Cloud Computing Applications – Part 2: Open Data in Cloud”, with speakers from HKT Limited, MuseLab Limited and Crossover International Company Limited, will be held on 7 October 2021 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Interested students are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form.
2021-09-21Hong Kong Fostering ICT Awards Scheme (FICTAS) (OGCIO-sponsored project)
The 9th online workshop on “Cloud Computing Applications – Part 1: Cloud Systems and Infrastructure”, with speakers from the Hong Kong Information Security Academy, Prister Corporation Limited and Crossover International Company Limited, will be held on 23 September 2021 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Interested students are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form.
2021-09-20Hong Kong Fostering ICT Awards Scheme (FICTAS) (OGCIO-sponsored project)
Getting hold of the technology is tantamount to getting hold of the future. Join and learn the new emerging information technology ABCD.
Promotional video (Full version)
Promotional video (10-second version)
2021-09-06The Graduation cum Award Ceremony of the first “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Summer Camp” organised by Education Innovation Research Institute in Greater Bay Area and Cities Connected on 31 August 2021 (Chinese only)
2021-08-23To raise awareness on cyber security among students and the public, the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force will co-organize with the Association of I.T. Leaders in Education to hold the "World Wise Web for Future" Cyber Security Innovation Challenge in January 2022, which the participating students are encouraged to design solutions using different technological elements, and taking into account cyber security issues at the same time.
2021-08-06“Knowing More About IT” Programme in Primary Schools – Online Briefing cum Sharing Session
An online briefing cum sharing session on 15 September 2021 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm to introduce the details of the programme to schools.
2021-08-05IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools – Online Sharing Session
An online sharing session on the updates of the 2021/22 school year application for IT Innovation Lab Programme with application tips, success story sharing from secondary school and sharing of relevant IT activities for secondary students will be held on 31 August 2021 from 3:00 to 5:10 pm. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form.
2021-07-28Guidebook for applying for “IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools” programme for the 2021/22 school year (Chinese only)
2021-07-20OGCIO shared at the “Innovative Technology Development Forum Master-series (ITDEF Master Series) 005” organised by Hong Kong Innovation Technology Development Association (HKITDA) on 20 July 2021.
2021-07-12Seminar on the “IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools” Programme and the “Knowing More About IT” Programme organised by Hong Kong Association for Computer Education on 8 July 2021 (Chinese only)
2021-07-08“Innovation and Technology Festival for Secondary School Students” (OGCIO-sponsored project)
The “Innovation and Technology Festival for Secondary School Students” opened on 6 July 2021 with Dr David Chung, JP, Under Secretary for Innovation & Technology and Mr Victor Lam, JP, Government Chief Information Officer speaking as the Guests of Honour. (Chinese Only)
2021-06-29The Vetting Committee on IT Innovation Lab Programme in Secondary Schools visited St. Paul's Convent School (Chinese only)
2021-06-23“Innovation and Technology Festival for Secondary School Students” (OGCIO-sponsored project)
2021-06-01“IT Talent Competition & Collaboration to Build POC Utilizing ABCD” (OGCIO-sponsored project)
The earlier you learn about IT, the more you can be in control of your future!
2021-06-01“Knowing More About IT” Programme in Primary Schools – Online Briefing cum Sharing Sessions
Two online briefing cum sharing sessions on 29 June 2021 and 7 July 2021 from 2:45 to 5:00 pm to introduce the background information and application details of the programme to schools.
2021-05-31Innovation and Technology Festival to Secondary School Students – a sponsorship project funded by the OGCIO for fostering an IT learning atmosphere and stimulating students' interest in IT in secondary schools
The Innovation and Technology Festival to Secondary School Students will provide a series of innovative exploration programmes to ignite the passion in students by a deep-rooted and fun learning journey. Highlighted events include: Music Performance, Robotic Contest, Youth Hackathon and on/offline booth showcase.
2021-05-27“IT Talent Competition & Collaboration to Build POC Utilizing ABCD” (OGCIO-sponsored project)
IT Master Classes: Impart Top Skills to You
2021-05-06Hong Kong Fostering ICT Awards Scheme (FICTAS) – a sponsorship project funded by the OGCIO for fostering an IT learning atmosphere and stimulating students' interest in IT in secondary schools
FICTAS aims to enhance secondary school students’ interest in emerging IT, such as technology topics like artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing and big data. In addition, FICTAS will enable students to learn and enhance their computing skills through workshops, webinars, school talks, assessments and competitions.
2021-05-05IT Talent Competition & Collaboration to Build POC Utilizing ABCD – a sponsorship project funded by the OGCIO for fostering an IT learning atmosphere and stimulating students' interest in IT in secondary schools
Starting from mid-June 2021, Ampower Talent Institute will organise a series of IT-related masterclasses (recorded or Webinar/live), office/site visits, mentorship programme and competitions, etc., to expand horizons for participating students.
2021-04-29IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools – Online Sharing Session
An online sharing session on the updates of the IT Innovation Lab Programme with success story sharing from secondary schools and sharing of relevant IT activities for secondary students will be held on 31 May 2021 from 3:00 to 5:15 pm. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form.
2021-03-09IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools – Online Sharing Session
An online sharing session on the updates of the IT Innovation Lab Programme with success story sharing from Enriched IT Class partner school and sharing of NPOs will be held on 29 March 2021 from 3:15 to 5:15 pm. Principals and teachers of interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form.
2021-03-06AiTLE Webinar Series re OGCIO IT Innovation Lab Project : Solutions Show for OGCIO IT Innovation Lab Project 2
Presentation file
2021-01-30Cyberport STEM+E Summit x EdTech Demo Day 2021
2020-12-04HKBCS ABC5-Lab Kick-off Session
2020-11-24AiTLE Webinar Series re OGCIO IT Innovation Lab Project : EITP Sharing & Solutions Show for OGCIO IT Innovation Lab Project
Presentation file
2020-11-18Opening Remarks by Mr. Kingsley Wong, Assistant Government Chief Information Officer (Industry Development), at the Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council Annual General Meeting (Chinese only) (with photos)
Only Chinese version is available for this speech / presentation. Please click this link for the Chinese version.
2020-11-16Invitation for Sponsorship Proposals for Fostering an IT Learning Atmosphere and Stimulating Students’ Interest in IT in Secondary Schools
Presentation File for Briefing Session
Questions & Answers
2020-11-15Nurturing HK’s young tech talent
2020-11-06 - 2020-11-26Invitation for Sponsorship Proposals for Fostering an IT Learning Atmosphere and Stimulating Students’ Interest in IT in Secondary Schools (Closed)
Non-profit-making organisations are now invited to submit proposals for Fostering an IT Learning Atmosphere and Stimulating Students’ Interest in IT in Secondary Schools.
2020-10-09IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools - Webinar Registration Form (Closed)
Two online briefing sessions on the details of the programme and application procedures will be held on 10 and 12 November 2020. Interested schools are welcome to enrol by completing the registration form.