Vetting Committee of
the “IT Innovation Lab in Schools” Programme
Terms of Reference
a. To endorse vetting criteria and pre-approved activity types; and
b. To consider individual applications based on endorsed vetting criteria and make funding recommendations to the DPO to ensure that the approved funding will be used in line with the policy objectives and funding scope of the programme.
Prof. WONG, Kam Fai, MH Associate Dean (External Affairs) of Engineering, CUHK |
Dr CK WONG, MH Chairman, iASPEC Technologies Group |
Dr Rocky CHENG President of Hong Kong Computer Society |
Mr Leonard CHAN Chairman of the Hong Kong Innovative Technology Development Association (HKITDA) |
Mr Gary YEUNG, MH President of Smart City Consortium |
Ex-officio Member:
Assistant Commissioner (Common Services and Sourcing), DPO |
Senior Systems Manager (Common Services and Sourcing)24, DPO |