Case O4: Collaborative coding with micro-controller and sensors

  • Advanced
Target Level
  • Tier 1: P3 – P4
  • Tier 2: P5 – P6

To introduce students to collaborative coding with interesting stories, mathematics challenges, engineering problems and sensors to learn the basic logic and computational thinking concept on blocks coding platform. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to use micro-controller to build intelligent devices collaboratively and get ready for more advanced coding and technology training.

The school will organise a series of basic micro-controller coding workshops for students to provide practical and interactive coding lessons that seamlessly integrate simple mathematics and engineering activities. The workshops will provide various components including micro-controller, LED, battery, display, vibration motor, mini fan, and sensors of colour, distance, gesture, light etc. They are prepared for students to design, build, program, manage and drive their intelligent devices. Under the theme of smart city, students learn how to be a Maker, applying coding skills, electronics, and scientific knowledge, to build different intelligent devices for social good. Examples of intelligent devices include home alarm system, reaction time tester, hand-gesture controlled fan, automatic light system and automatic score recording system.

  • Micro-controller
  • Sensors
  • Laptop / PC with Internet connection
  • Collaborative coding and blocks-coding platform
Cloud Services
  • N/A
Major Activities Practical session covering:
  • Basic introduction to micro-controller, collaborative coding, and blocks coding platform
  • Basic computational thinking and blocks coding
  • Basic electronic and scientific concepts in practical usages
  • Develop intelligent devices with sensors
  • Solve simple mathematics and engineering problems
Learning Objective(s)
  • How to collaborate and co-coding in groups and teams
  • Learn basic computational thinking concept and blocks coding, including variable, condition, loop, array, etc
  • Learn how to use different sensors by blocks coding, including mathematic, scientific, and electronic concept.
  • To design, develop and complete intelligent devices maker activities and challenges for social good purpose
  • Tier 1:
    - Practical session: 15 hours
  • Tier 2:
    - Practical session: 20 hours
Target No. of Students
  • About 12 – 24 students per workshop