Exploration with Machine Learning (ML)

To familiarise students with some basic learning algorithms, techniques and applications of machine learning. Use proper online platform and public datasets to illustrate the application of these algorithms and to provide a broad explanation of its underlying principles.

The school will organise a series of basic ML workshops to students. The workshops include theoretical session including the introduction to ML and examples to demonstrate ML models, and practical session for applying the knowledge learnt to build their own ML models. Students gather images such as dogs and cats, upload them to ML service platform, generate and train the models of image recognition for classification afterwards. There could be an evaluation session to test their ML models with real-life data.

  • PC / laptop / tablet computer with Internet connection
  • Common programming languages like Scratch / Javascript / C# / Python / Java / C++
Cloud Services
  • Machine learning service platform / APIs
Major Activities
  1. Theoretical session covering:
    1. Background knowledge and applications of ML
    2. Popular ML algorithms
    3. Examples/projects to demo ML models

  2. Practical session covering:
    1. Testing of demo ML models (vision and voice recognition) with real data
    2. Group projects on building daily-life ML applications using models learnt

  3. Share the challenges and lessons learnt
Learning Objective(s)
  • Introduce students with basic ML knowledge, what it can accomplish to boost human activities
  • Enhance students' computational thinking and coding skills, through the building of ML models
  • Enhance students' ability to apply the ML knowledge and models learnt to daily life
  • Enhance students' non-technical skills including creativity and innovation, and collaboration skills
  • Theoretical session : 8 hours
  • Practical session : 6 hours
  • Medium
Target Level
  • Basic session : S1 - S2
  • Moderate level session : S3 - S4
Target No. of Students About 20 students per workshop