Participation in AI Robotic Competition

To prepare and support students to attend a competition of building AI robot car. Students can create an AI robot car from scratch and compete with others.

The school will support its students to participate in a local competition of building AI robot car, including arranging short-term courses of Robotics or AI for their preparation, supporting them to attend workshops organised by the organiser and providing technical support to the students, including hardware (e.g. AI recognition kits), software (e.g. Python) and cloud service (e.g. AI service platform).

  • Controller board and IoT kits included ultrasound sensor, GPS tracker, webcam, vision & voice recognition kits
  • PC / laptop / tablet computer with Internet connection
  • 3D Printer
  • IoT devices SDK / APIs
  • Common programming languages like Scratch / Javascript / C# / Python / Java / C++
  • CAD Software for 3D printing
Cloud Services
  • AI service platform / APIs
Major Activities
  1. Preparation workshops on robotics & AI
    1. Introduction to servo motor and microcontroller
    2. Programming for robots
    3. Programming for robot cars
    4. 3D printing
    5. Introduction to AI
    6. AI database development
    7. AI programming

    Besides, the school will support the students to attend workshops organised by the organiser, e.g. parts, logistics and nominal fee for the workshops and competitions

  2. Three levels of competition for students
    1. Basic level: AI robot car
      1. Components: robot car (built by students) and AI handwriting classification (provided)
      2. Competition: The robot car should identify handwriting symbols to move on the track correspondingly
    2. Moderate level: AI robot
      1. Components: robot (built by students) and AI handwriting classification (provided but database is built by students)
      2. Competition: The robot can identify handwriting symbols to finish the corresponding actions, e.g., moving objects, walking
    3. Advanced level: AI self-driving
      1. Components: robot car (built by students) and AI self-driving (developed by students)
      2. Competition: The robot car can get its own location by using a webcam to drive on the track automatically

  3. Share the challenges and lesson learnt
Learning Objective(s)
  • Arouse students' creativity and enhance their problem solving skills
  • Arouse students' interest in Electronic Engineering
  • Learn the principle of some AI techniques
  • Learn how to design some components of their AI robots by using 3D software
  • Theoretical session : 6 hours
  • Practical session : 20 hours
  • Medium
Target Level
  • Basic session : S1 - S3
  • Moderate level session : S2 - S6
Target No. of Students About 4-5 students in a team