Home > Showcase > St. Paul’s Convent School, a partner school of the “Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools”, has won the Best AI Award in the CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project: Secondary School Think and Create Competition 2020 (with photo)
St. Paul’s Convent School, a partner school of the “Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools”, has won the Best AI Award in the CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project: Secondary School Think and Create Competition 2020 (with photo)

Two Enriched IT Class students of St. Paul’s Convent School, a partner school of the “Enriched IT Programme in Secondary Schools”, participated in the CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project: Secondary School Think and Create Competition 2020 held from May to November 2020 and won the Best AI Award.

Under the great psychological stress due to COVID19, "Laughter Catcher 2.0" app allows users to use "Laughter Yoga" to relieve stress and strengthen the relationship with their family and friends. Users are encouraged to practise laughter yoga anytime and anywhere. As they expand their circle of friends through the app, they can practise with each other and spread positive energy to more people. Moreover, the app’s emotion recogniser can read user’s emotion and quantify the degree of happiness by converting happiness into “happiness index”. When the app detects a sudden drop in “happiness index”, an SMS message will be sent to a person the user trusts and reminds him/her to talk to the user so as to echo to the initiative of "Shall We Talk".

Awardees : Elinor Cheung and Kaitlyn Chow

About the Competition

The competition is organised by Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Education of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, co-organised by SenseTime Group Limited; and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Under the theme of "Think and Create," the competition aims to enlighten students to untangle difficulties in daily life with AI technologies.