Case O2: School Coding Festival

  • Elementary
Target Level
  • P1 – P6

To encourage students to learn programming and exercise computational thinking to solve mathematical problems efficiently.

The school will organise an intra-school coding festival, including a student competition to solve a set of mathematics problems. Mathematics and computer science often go hand in hand. A great deal of applied mathematics is performed on computers such as solving simple equations. The competition will require students to solve different mathematical problems, such as performing arithmetic operations, identifying prime number, drawing simple 2-D geometric shapes, etc. Different algorithms can solve the mathematical problems but the one that executes in the shortest time with the same configuration of computers will win. The school will showcase their winning algorithms in a coding festival open to other schools and the public to visit.

  • PC / laptop / tablet computer
  • App simulator
  • Common programming languages like Javascript / C# / Python / Java / C++ / Swift
Cloud Services
  • N/A
Major Activities
  1. Theoretical session covering:
    1. Common daily life Mathematics problems such as optimisation, classification, etc., and how computational thinking helps
  2. Practical session covering:
    1. Coding, testing, debugging, tuning
    2. Develop applications with specific requirements for examples :
      1. Develop an app to count the number of occurrences of a given substring in a paragraph
      2. Develop an app to compute Pi with the given formula, make a textbox for a user to input the number of iterations for the computation
      3. Develop a drawing app to let a user draw on the screen. The colour of each line will depend on the line sequence
      4. Develop an app for drawing a triangle by dragging three dynamic points in a canvas and display the value of the three angles in degree
  3. The school will arrange an intra-school competitions for solving different mathematical problems for all classes so as to raise the learning atmosphere of IT in the school. The one that executes in the shortest time with the same configuration of computers will win.
  4. The school will showcase their winning algorithms in a coding festival open to other schools and the public to visit.
Learning Objective(s)
  • Enhance students’ computational thinking to solve these mathematical problems
  • Raise students’ interest in coding and mathematics
  • Encourage students to express daily life problems in mathematical perspective
  • Theoretical session: 4 hours
  • Practical session: 8 hours
  • Competition : 1 week
  • Coding festival : 1 day
Target No. of Students
  • About 20 students per workshop
  • 4 students in a group
  • Intra-school competition to open to all students